There are a few things to remember when building a community rail line; the most important being that is serves areas where people live and work. Density is also important. With that in mind lets compare the three options.
On Density:

-The Trans-Canada Highway alignment serves the least amount of people and is the lowest density corridor.
-The Fraser Highway alignment serves some dense areas, but only modest density increases are expected in the next 20 years.
-The Interurban alignment serves the most dense areas and will see the most growth compared to the other two alignments.
On Live and Work:
-The Trans-Canada alignment would serve some residential areas in Surrey and Langley, and the industrial areas at the 200th Street interchange.
-The Fraser Highway options would serve a large amount or residential areas, but would only service the few strip malls on Fraser Highway. It would also serve the major industrial and commercial areas in the Langley Regional Centre.
-The Interurban alignment would serve a larger amount of residential areas in Surrey and Langley, major commercial and industrial areas around Newton and Langley, and Kwantlen University. The Interurban alignment also has the advantage of servicing already walkable communities.
I’m am certain that a ridership study, that is focused on moving people within the South Fraser, will prove that the Interurban alignment from Surrey to the Langley Regional Centre would attract the most ridership. Now the wait for the report…
Nice map, right level of detail. Did the MoT have the red line and the dashed red line, or did you add them?
I added the red lines. :-)
I just wish the Mayor's Council or Translink would take the time to at least consider this "already existing" train route seriously. For less than 10% of what Skytrain costs, this is truly a no brainer.
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