Langley City Solutions Tracker 2.1

During the fall 2018 and 2022 election, I promised to work on solutions to increase safety, improve health, and create prosperity for people and businesses in our community.

Over the course of my second term as a Councillor and first term as Mayor, I will track the progress towards, and in some cases, what is blocking progress towards implementing these solutions. I have categorized these solutions into seven broad categories.

Partnering to Tackle Homelessness and Affordable Housing

Solution: Lobby the provincial government to increase funding for the ICM Team who connects people who are homeless with stable housing, and health & social services
Status: Completed. We have many specialized teams in Langley City to help people who are experiencing homelessness.

Solution: Investigate rental-only zoning along the Fraser Highway corridor to support affordable housing near high-quality transit
Status: Changed. The City is developing policies in our new zoning bylaws to either require or encourage a percentage of below-market rent housing in new residential buildings near transit.

Solution: Building a supportive housing facility and Complex Care Housing in Langley City to get people off the street.
Status: Not Started.

Solution: Work with local doctors, non-profits, and the province, to ensure timely and effective access to primary care - including mental health & addiction support services.
Status: Not Started.

Solution: Take a leadership role in facilitating and coordinating resources to help people experiencing homelessness stop living rough, including by hiring a full-time Social Planner to help with this work.
Status: Completed.

Solution: Create an affordable housing policies, including below-market-rate rental policy, and update zoning to support increasing the number of affordable housing units in our community
Status: On-going. The City incorporated this into the new Official Community Plan. I put forward a motion that Council adopted to develop a below-market-rate rental policy to be applied when older purpose-built rental buildings undergo redevelopment.

Solution: Update tenant relocation policy when older housing is redeveloped to ensure tenants can afford rents at a new location and are offered the right of first refusal to move back to the redeveloped site at below-market rents.
Status: Completed.

Solution: Support increasing the number of independent living units for low-income seniors in the area around the Langley Mall
Status: Completed. City approved zoning to allow redevelopment of the current 518-unit Langley Lions Housing complex into a 981-unit, seniors-focused complex in progress.

Solution: Work with the faith community to build BC Housing subsidized housing
Status: Completed. Partnering with the Church of the Nazarene and provincial government to deliver around 60 units of 20% below Langley City average rent housing.

Solution: Work with the Province and TransLink to ensure that additional affordable rental housing is built in close proximity to SkyTrain
Status: Not started yet.

Solution: Explore new affordable homeownership models, such as rent-to-own and the BC Housing Affordable Home Ownership Program
Status: Not started yet.

Working Towards a Safer Langley City

Solution: Implement a Citizen's Assembly to collaborate with experts from community organizations and emergency services across the region to put forward solution to rebuild trust & confidence in the safety of our community. Work with Council to implement the recommendations. For more information, please visit: A Fresh, Community-Led Action Plan for Increased Safety in Langley City
Status: In-Progress.

Solution: Continue to improve lighting in our parks, streets, and walkways
Status: Completed.

Solution: Investigate gradually moving the Bylaw Enforcement department to a 24/7, 365 model
Status: On-going. Approved new bylaw enforcement officer positions in 2019 and 2024.

Solution: Support projects that bring more eyes and ears onto the street
Status: On-going.

Solution: Increase bike patrols with the RCMP and Bylaw Department
Status: Completed.

Solution: Increase the number of positive activities in our parks
Status: On-going. Council has increased funding for events in the summer, but there are limited events at other times of the year.

Solution: Work towards increasing fire prevention and suppression services in our community
Status: On-going. Hired six additional firefighters since 2023.

Building a Walkable Langley City

Solution: Continue to implement safer crosswalks including across 208 Street to provide safe school access, and across 200 Street near Penzer Park
Status: On-going. The City installed a traffic light at 208 Street near 45A Avenue, a new crosswalk along Grade Crescent at the Sendall Gardens entrance, and a new crosswalk near Brydon Lagoon on 53rd Avenue.

Solution: Work towards implementing a Grade Crescent Greenway
Status: On-Hold. Planned to start construction in 2029.

Solution: Work towards implementing a Michaud Crescent Greenway
Status: In progress. The City completed the south side in 2024.

Solution: Support an Old Yale Road Walking Corridor
Status: Cancelled. A seniors-orientated housing complex was never built in the area, which was the main reason for this project.

Solution: Increase the amount of sidewalks in our community
Status: On-going. The City continues to fund the expansion of the sidewalk networks.

Solution: Implement traffic calming where requested
Status: On-going. Traffic calming near all schools, most parks, and some mid-block crosswalks.

Solution: Implement a trail bridge in the Brydon Crescent area
Status: Will be completed as part of Brydon Crescent redevelopment.

Creating a Vibrant Downtown Langley

Solution: Implement Fraser Highway One-Way project to enhance the public realm and walkability
Status: On-going. Construction started.

Solution: Invest in more evening and winter programming
Status: Not Started.

Solution: Support the construction of a performing arts centre
Status: In the new Official Community Plan.

Solution: Support the construction of a shared parking facility
Status: On-going. $421,000 in off-street parking fund as of the end of 2024.

Solution: Create safe and inviting laneways in Downtown
Status: Completed. New street lights installed in Fuller Lane. Murals installed in Fuller Lane and Salt Lane.

Solution: Complete the protected cycling network in Downtown
Status: Completed. Protected Bike Lane from Langely Bylaw to Grade Cresent via Downtown.

Improving Parks and Increasing Green Space

Solution: Increase and enhance our urban tree canopy
Status: On-Going. Urban Forest Management Strategy adopted in December 2024.

Solution: Support funding to enhance our parks and park programming
Status: Completed.

Solution: Improve lighting and dog off-leash area, including more benches, in Linwood Park
Status: Not Started.

Solution: Improve washroom facilities in parks
Status: On-Going. New Nicholas Park washroom, Rotary Centennial Park washroom reopened, and Douglas Park washroom under construction.

Solution: Implement recommendations of the Brydon Lagoon task force
Status: On-Going.

Solution: Partner with Fraser Health to reduce the number of needles in our parks
Status: Completed. Fraser Health helps fund needle clean up service.

Getting the Basics Right

Solution: Work with Council and City Staff to implement proactive and rapid response protocols to fix potholes, burnt out streetslights, uneven or broken sidewalks, and other transportation & accessibility issues
Status: Completed. Simplified the request for service process.

Solution: Expand asset management program
Status: Completed.

Solution: Increase funding into the Infrastructure Levy to ensure that basic infrastructure is renewed in a timely fashion
Status: On-Going with annual increases.

Solution: Ensure our community amenities, such as parks, trails, washrooms, and community centres, are always clean and accessible.
Status: On-Going.

Maintaining Langley City’s Sense of Community and Character

Solution: Work toward increasing community engagement and meaningful public consultation
Status: On-Going. Provide more visibility and input options around redevelopment proposals. Launched Citizens' Assembly on Community Safety. Launched a bi-annual newsletter. Continuing to host annual neighbourhood meetings.

Solution: Support programs that encourage neighbours to get to know one another
Status: Completed. The City supports Block Watch and funds neighbourhood block parties.

Solution: Update Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw
Status: New Official Community Plan adopted. A zoning bylaw update is in progress.

You can still read the original solutions tracker from my first term on council.

Last Updates: December 24, 2024

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Businesses in Downtown Langley are sufering as parking restrictions are not enforced, Students, Teachers and staff from New Directions park for 4, 5, 6 hrs and no parking for customers. Enforment should start before businesses keep going out of business.