-Build a light rail or other rapid transit along major corridors like King George Boulevard, 104th Avenue, Highway 1 and Fraser Highway.
-Investigate using the Interurban Corridor for inter-regional service to Abbotsford and Chilliwack.
-Consider a 200th St. streetcar to service present and future density in Langley.
-Consider a Downtown Langley streetcar that will connect residences to shopping and amenities.
-Consider a Cloverdale and Abbotsford streetcar to provide connecting service to the Interurban, and promote Transit Oriented Developments.
-Use transportation demand management and the latest technology to ensure that bus service is reliable and fast.
-Improve local bus service and the frequent (every 15 min.) bus network in the South Fraser.
-Build more Transit Oriented Developments (TOD's).
-Promote land use planning and transportation planning that fits together.
-Look at road pricing that will help reduce congestion on our major roads to ensure that goods and people move through our region.
-Build complete roads that would allow for and support equal access to all modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, transit/trains and driving.