It seems that nothing gets people more excited in Langley than transportation issues. The City of Langley recently finished upgrading 208th Street between Fraser Highway and 44th Avenue. One of the issues that got people excited was proposed changes to the Grade Crescent/47th Avenue and 208th Street intersection. Originally a median was to be installed to prevent left turns onto 208th Street. That got local residents upset and the road was constructed without the controversial median. It looks like the median could be back at on the table.
According to a staff report:
A review of the data has shown that there is no engineering warrant to signalize this intersection, but accident statistics are high enough to warrant consideration of design elements to reduce conflicts. The 47th Ave/Grade Crescent and 208th Street has several issues precluding the use of a roundabout in addition to a prohibitively high construction cost (due to property acquisition). Based on the review of all available data, staff working with ICBC, have concluded that from a traffic operations and safety perspective Option B is the preferred option.
Option B - Median |
Option C - Roundabout |
As you can see, option B is the median. Not to worry, staff's current recommendation is to do nothing for now.
Once the 48 Avenue re-construction is complete and the Master Transportation Plan update is complete, staff will re-assess the options for the intersection of Grade Crescent/47 Avenue at 208 Street and bring forward another report for Council’s consideration.
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