ALR Land

Rural Plan
I found these map on the Township of Langley's website, it shows all the land in the ALR in the Township. I wanted to highlight some information found on the maps. It would appear that the ALR land and Rural Plan map line up almost perfect. The only major exception seems to be the area between Murrayville and Brookswood which the Township has designated as Urban though the land is currently in the ALR. The large section of Langley that is outside of the ALR in the centre of the maps is Salmon River Uplands. According to the Rural Plan:
The other area of interest is Gloucester Industrial Estates. This area was removed out of the ALR in 1978. The unfortunate reality of Gloucester is that it will probably never see effective public transit due to its isolation. On the bright side, it does have direct access to Southern Rail and the US Border, giving it better transportation options than say the Campbell Heights Industrial Area.
The Township of Langley has very little developable land. It behoves Township Council to ensure that it develops in a sustainable, transit-friend way.
The Salmon River Uplands shall be maintained for rural residential and agricultural uses. A more detailed plan will be prepared setting out policies for future growth, subdivision and agriculture in this area.I stand to be corrected, but I believe that a plan has not been developed for Salmon River Uplands. I know that once that plan start to be developed, it will be controversial. I foresee a debate between keeping that area rural verse suburban development.
The other area of interest is Gloucester Industrial Estates. This area was removed out of the ALR in 1978. The unfortunate reality of Gloucester is that it will probably never see effective public transit due to its isolation. On the bright side, it does have direct access to Southern Rail and the US Border, giving it better transportation options than say the Campbell Heights Industrial Area.
The Township of Langley has very little developable land. It behoves Township Council to ensure that it develops in a sustainable, transit-friend way.
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