"The Affordable Housing Strategy considers the existing and future need for affordable housing, the potential loss of rental housing units and the role the City can play to support affordable housing initiatives. The Strategy also anticipates and responds to Metro Vancouver’s proposed housing targets for the region."
Thursday, April 30, 2009
City of Langley News
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Election Series – Part Four
What will your government do to promote sustainable community design?
Creating sustainable communities is key to meeting our environmental and economic goals as a province. We’ve worked closely with the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) to develop the type of government supports that will enable local governments to change the way in which they plan for the future.
We established the Green City Awards which provide substantial cash awards to local governments whose planning practices have enhanced integrated community design, physical activity, energy conservation and environmental benefits. The award criteria focuses on mixed-use, compact and complete communities; inter-connected networks of pedestrian and bicycle trails, parks and urban forests; smaller urban footprints with more affordable housing and efficient construction practices; reduced greenhouse gas emissions and decreased water use; age and access friendly design; protection of green spaces and increased transportation options.
We’ve provided financial support for these initiatives through the Healthy Communities Initiative (joint with UBCM) and through millions of dollars in grant programs such as:
-Local Motion grants for capital projects like bike paths, walkways and greenways. Grants are also provided for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and making communities more senior- and disability-friendly
-Trees for Tomorrow grants to support community organizations, First Nations and local governments in planting four million trees in public spaces
-Towns for Tomorrow grants designed specifically to assist smaller communities as they work to become greener, healthier and more liveable
What will your government do to get light rail and other forms of alternative transportation built in the South of Fraser?
Light rail and other forms of alternative transportation are critical to the development of the Fraser Valley. Beyond the obvious transit benefits are numerous positive environmental impacts.
The advancement of light rail and other transit options is one reason the construction of the Port Mann Bridge is critically important. The bridge will be constructed with the capacity for light rail installation. In addition, Rapid Bus service with dedicated on ramps and cue jumper lanes will bring transit back to the Port Mann corridor for the first time in 20 years. It will serve communities like Langley as we work to expand light rail and other transit options
As we consider the range of possible transit options, we are currently studying the viability of the old inter-urban corridor. We want to make the best possible use of existing infrastructure as we work to provide a variety of transportation choices for Langley and the surrounding area. We’ll do whatever the evidence tells us. We want to be sensitive to the fact that the Inter-urban line runs through large sections of ALR land. It’s important to evaluate the impact of increased pressure on the ALR as a result of the desirability of development in and around major transit infrastructure.
Like you, I am frustrated that light rail will not be available sooner. If infrastructure investment south of the Fraser had kept pace with growth during the 90’s we wouldn’t be forced to build our way out of a transit deficit now. Nevertheless, we must move forward from where we are and hope that subsequent BC governments will not neglect south of the Fraser communities in the future.
Monday, April 27, 2009
On Holiday
Friday, April 24, 2009
Election Series – Part Three
What will your government do to promote sustainable community design?
There has been no bigger booster for sustainable communities than Premier Gordon Campbell.
The BC Liberals, under Premier Campbell’s leadership, want to see sustainable, livable, compact communities. We changed the building code to allow six-storey wood frame buildings to spark more density in neighbourhoods at a lower cost than concrete towers. We invested $40-million into 122 Local Motion projects to support projects that promote physical activity, a reduction in car dependency and associated greenhouse gas emissions, and increase mobility for seniors and people with disabilities.
We are the first province in Canada to legislate hard targets for greenhouse gas emissions, including a 33 per cent reduction by 2020. This will quickly influence the way communities are planned and built. Our government made British Columbia the first jurisdiction in North America to legally require all government ministries, agencies and Crown corporations to be “carbon neutral”, by 2010. We also required all local governments to be carbon neutral by 2012, another way of influencing local design. Our carbon emissions tax encourages people to save money by adopting cleaner, more environmentally-friendly lifestyles.
Premier Campbell’s record on sustainable community design goes back to his days as Mayor of Vancouver. Under his leadership, Vancouver became one of the most livable cities in the world, an example held up by urban planners. As chairman of the Greater Vancouver Regional District, he led the Lower Mainland in developing and adopting the all-important Livable Region Strategy, which enshrined the concepts of an urban growth boundary, smart growth principles, and other important actions.
This work must continue. Under the BC Liberals, the provincial government will continue to develop and fund new programs to encourage people to live a more sustainable lifestyle. We will continue to help municipalities with the resources they need to properly plan their communities. See http://www.gov.bc.ca/yourbc/green_communities/gc_planet.html?src=/planet/gc_planet.html for more on our work making communities sustainable.
What will your government do to get light rail and other forms of alternative transportation built in the South of Fraser?
Planning sustainable communities and adding transportation options go hand-in-hand. We need a re-elected BC Liberal government to continue the work that has been started in transportation. It is our goal to double transit ridership by 2020 to more than 400 million trips a year. This means funding and finishing the Canada, Evergreen, and UBC SkyTrain lines, and improving the Millennium and Expo lines. It means building a new Port Mann Bridge to allow reliable transit service on Hwy. 1 for the first time in a generation.
Locally, it means adding RapidBus lines along 200th Street and Highway 1. When the new Port Mann Bridge opens, you will be able to take a bus from Langley to Lougheed SkyTrain station in 23 minutes. We see these RapidBus routes as the first step toward building the ridership necessary to add light rail on those routes. Streetcars use a lot of the same infrastructure as RapidBus, so we have that option in the future. A major transit station and exchange is planned at the Hwy. 1/200th St. interchange, which will serve people going north-south via the Golden Ears Bridge and east-west on the freeway.
By the end of 2009, our major Fraser Valley transit study will be complete. I am looking forward to seeing the recommendations out of that study. I personally believe that light rail could be an important component of the south Fraser’s transportation system going forward, but we must do our due diligence, work on business plans, and ensure it will be successful for the people of Langley, Surrey, Abbotsford and beyond. I also believe that this transit infrastructure will help communities like Langley continue to densify and spark transit-oriented development.
We also remain committed to investing in bike lanes and bike locker facilities, improving SkyTrain security, building necessary road infrastructure to keep our economy strong, and pursuing our $14 billion provincial transit plan. No other party has the breadth of vision we have for transportation—or the ability to create and lead an economy strong enough to pay for this infrastructure. Our plan will reduce provincial transportation greenhouse gas emissions by 4.7 million tonnes by 2020—equivalent to parking all cars and light trucks in Metro Vancouver for one year. For more on our transit plan, visit http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/Transit_Plan/index.html.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Portland - Climate Action Plan
The eight areas they targeted are: Buildings and energy, Land use and mobility, Consumption and solid waste climate change preparation, Urban forestry, Food and agriculture, Community engagement, Climate change preparations, and Local government operations.
Be sure to check out this draft plan on their website.
Election Series – Part Two
What will your government do to promote sustainable community design?
What will your government do to get light rail and other forms of alternative transportation built in the South of Fraser?
I do have a thought about how transit should work in a community.As an automotive technician, for almost 30 years, I have seen the old roads deteriorate and new roads branch off them. I think inter urban transit is the best way to move people about within there community. Im not sure that a rail system will help reduce the congestion on the roads, as proposed in Langley. It may be that we have to think outside the box, and look at an elevated network that by-pass the road net work.
I want you to know that I would workwith those involved to make a cleaner more accessible community, in witch we could get out of our cars and enjoy the out doors. More roads, more bridges, means more cars. Cars are good but bad for the environment, lets learn to park them more and live and work in our own community.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Election Series
What will your government do to promote sustainable community design?
By creating the green bonds, we will be able to fund significant green infrastructure developments in addition to helping develop a safe investment that will help stabilize the economy. The NDP has always been concerned about the environment and sustainable development, and that is a high priority for Kathleen Stephany as well.
What will your government do to get light rail and other forms of alternative transportation built in the South of Fraser?
The plan to get light rail out to the South of Fraser by 2031 is obscene. The South of Fraser needs light rail now. While there are many priorities around the province, we can not promise shovels in the ground as of May 13th, however, Kathleen Stephany vows to be a strong advocate for light rail to be taken out to Langley, and beyond as soon as possible.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
News Update
The January 2008 release of the Provincial Transit Plan promoting the expansion of reliable rapid transit in British Columbia provided the opportunity to embark on a more detailed study of rapid transit network options. The Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Project (VRRTP) is intended to develop recommendations for a rapid link between Victoria and the West Shore in a better defined context.On the topic of transit studies, the Abbotsford News has an opinion piece called “Get on with rapid transit:”
Ultimately, however, it is difficult to imagine a future in which light rail does not play a role in the Valley’s transit picture.Finally, it looks like the Seattle Region is getting smart cards (I have a feeling we might be getting the same system.) They started the trial of the system yesterday. I makes since for Seattle because they will be providing a common fare collection system for seven different transit agencies.
Considering that commuting and traffic congestion has been a key regional issue for at least a decade, the study and planning work is long overdue.
Let’s get on with a rapid transit plan.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Living Wall
Anyway, I took at few pictures of a living on all the new Whole Foods that they are opening there. I don’t know if it’s more for looks or it there is some insulation benefit from this kind of “brick”, but it look really cool…

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Obama Talks About Vancouver Rail

"a smart transportation system equal to the needs of the 21st century. Reduces travel times and increases mobility."
Later he talked about how this is not something of the future, it is happen. Just not in the USA. His plan includes high-speed rail service from Vancouver, BC to Seattle, WA if we let it. We have reported last week about the red tape offered from the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) and processing of passengers after their normal business hours. Global BC reported last night that for the sake of $1,800 to provide the processing, we are giving up hundreds of thousands of dollars in tourist spending in Vancouver. Global also discussed a $3M siding that the BC government paid for to make passenger service more viable on this rail line and help AMTRAK avoid freight train conflicts.
I was happy to see our friends at Transport 2000 BC were interviewed on Global's News Hour Final. As of this writing a video link was not available. We are very pleased to see Transport 2000 take the lead on this rail corridor, as passenger rail and sustainable transportation takes many forms and we can't focus on all of them at all times. Thank you Transport 2000 BC!
You can watch the ABC News coverage of the President's announcement here. You can also read more here. All this as American's thirst for more rail service increases.
In researching this story I found these transportation links that you may find interesting. They have absolutely nothing to do with this high-speed rail story, but provide interesting facts and information:
The Vancouver Sun's special Transit-Spotting found here.
Cushioned walking paths for Vancouver?
New Port Mann Bridge will be finsihed by the end of 2012 - One full year earlier!
Vandals believed to be two young females, busted up ticket and validation machines at three SkyTrain stations. The story and picture appears here. They caused over $5,000 in damages. We hope that Chief Ward Clapham and his transit police find these two and make examples of them.
BC Carbon Tax: Finally, Tzeporah Berman, a well-known environmentalist and long-time NDP supporter told the party this week that she feels "deeply betrayed" and said, "You have put politicking before the planet in the most hypocritical fashion". Berman was referring to NDP statements this week that they would scrap the BC Carbon Tax that was implemented by the BC Liberals. Just reporting the facts here without being partisan. For the record, both Nathan and I support the carbon tax, and we personally favour two different political parties.
Friday, April 17, 2009
News from the World of Transit
An article in the Brisbane Times heralds “A sustainable Sydney needs bikes and trams.”
Around the world, smart cities are remaking themselves. They are investing in sustainable public transport and creating pedestrian-friendly environments, reducing their greenhouse emissions, cleaning the air, and providing places for people to meet and congregate…Meanwhile in the US, Portland received a thumbs-up from the US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.
…I would like to see part of the massive economic stimulus packages around the world directed to developing green infrastructure, laying the foundation for a restructuring of the economy to allow for a low-carbon future. Cities are critical to this shift. More than half the world's population lives and works in cities, which are the major source of greenhouse gas emissions. They are where we must make the biggest and most urgent changes.
Although he mentioned the role of light rail, bus and bicycling, LaHood gave special attention to streetcar. He even hinted that he would visit Portland with a streetcar surprise.So, we better be getting a 200th St. streetcar as part of an election promise and light rail for the South Fraser. :-)
"Streetcars are going to be a priority, certainly, as a part of livable communities," he said. "We're going to be making some announcements about streetcars very soon."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bus News and Suggestions

While on the topic of buses, there is one thing that always seemed odd about bus service here. Bus stops are normally located after an intersection. This is fine most of the time, but I think TransLink should look at changing bus stops where two busy route meet from this:
To this:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Election in the Air
The BC Greens would use a portion of these collected taxes to build new transportation infrastructure, including pedestrian, rail, bicycle and public transit.Now on to the Liberals. In their platform, they plan on working with transit agencies and universities to introduce a common U-Pass program. Also in the list is the Smartcard/Turnstile upgraded fare collection system on TransLink. They also mentioned the $14 billion transit plan that has been blogged about previously. And finally they mentioned the Fraser Valley transit study:
Major transit studies underway to identify best transit options for the Fraser Valley and southern Vancouver Island, including upgrading the existing Southern Rail and E&N rail corridors.Finally let’s see what the NDP has to say in their platform about transit:
-Expand passenger train service between Seattle and Vancouver.They also plan on rolling back transit fares and start construction on the Evergreen Line.
-Make necessary capital investments in needed bus and transit options in Metro Vancouver to cut congestion and pollution.
-Tune-up TransLink. The Campbell Liberals’ approach to TransLink has resulted in expensive privatization schemes, decisions made in secret and dictated by the Campbell government.
-The NDP will repeal Bill 43 to restore democratic control and public accountability to local government and taxpayers.
No word in any platform about light rail for the South Fraser.
That’s it for today, but stay tuned for more election coverage as the campaigning progresses.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Street of the Future

You'll have to visit their website to get the interactive graphic.
Pedestrian street lighting, dedicated transit lanes, separated bike lanes, pedestrian leading signals, curb extension, raised/textured crosswalks, speed bumps, street livery, and bollards are some of the tools this graphic suggests for creating a complete road. I agree with all these recommendations.
In the South Fraser we have some ways to go before we get to this ideal street, but there has been some progress on secondary streets like 116th Street in Delta and other traffic calmed streets, but no one has dared to touch a major road in a major way.
I think it will take some bold moves on the part of our local governments to see complete roads. King George Highway and 200th Street are two corridors that come to mind that could get converted to complete roads status. The right-of-way is there for sure. I think 200th Street is in a better position than King George Highway at becoming at complete road; it is 80% there with the pathway system on each side of 200th. All it needs are intersection improvement (bike boxes and pedestrian priority measures) to make the street more bike and people friends and, of course, mixed-use development.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Meeting Media Online
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Who Uses Transit?

Saturday, April 11, 2009
AMTRAK Cascades Vancouver - Seattle
"Washington State has studied the impact of the first train. American passengers coming to Canada spend money on hotels, meals and transportation, as well as on goods and services they buy. The second train is expected to generate US$18 million visitor expenditures, which means about U $765,000 revenue in GST for the Federal Government. So the Federal Government makes a profit even if we assume the dollar at par.
The trains on the West coast in the US continue to have increased ridership. Total Northwest Corridor ridership was 847,563 in 2008 up 15.4% over 2007. Seattle is well served by trains from all directions, which maybe one of the reasons cruise ships are moving their terminal from Vancouver to Seattle.
Amtrak, thanks to Vice-President Joe Biden, is getting $1.3 billion in improving infrastructure. Washington State hopes to get some of these funds to build a third track between Seattle and Portland so as to speed up the Cascades services.
So why is the Canadian Government being so obstinate in requiring extra fees? ... If it works for trains, why not for planes, buses and passenger cars?"
Friday, April 10, 2009
Portland Continues to Expand LRT While We Just Think About It
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Meeting Tonight: Mary Polak
Minister of Healthy Living & Sports
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Township of Langley Municipal Facility
4th Floor, Nicomekl River Meeting Room
20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley
Download a Copy of the Agenda
6:45pm – 7:00pm Self-Registration /Greeting
7:00pm – 7:10pm Quick Group introductions
7:10pm - 7:15pm Introduction of The Honourable Mary Polak, MLA
7:15pm – 8:15pm "Healthy Living and Transit Use" - Minister Mary Polak
8:15pm – 8:30pm Q & A - Minister Mary Polak
8:30pm – 8:40pm Short Break
8:40pm – 8:50pm Reports
-Finance Report
-Update on VanCity Grant Application
-State of Advertising / Promotion / Website & Blog/ Help Needed/
8:50pm – 9:00pm New Business
Meeting Adjourned
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion
This is a really great addition to our waterfront. Since it cost almost $900 million, more than Calgary’s new 8.4km West Light Rail Line, it better well be!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Meeting this Thursday - Mary Polak
in the Township of Langley Municipal Facility: 4th Floor, Nicomekl
Meeting Room, 20338 - 65 Avenue.
We will have a presentation by MLA Mary Polak, Minister of Healthy
Living & Sports. Come hear Minister Mary Polak share some insights
from a brand new UBC Report on health and transit use. Mary will
also blend in a wealth of knowledge from her cabinet post. Hear
from the minister's special view of our province.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Riding The Rails Again
The AMTRAK Cascades Train 513 pulls in at King Station in Seatte this morning
Note the pedestrian overpass above the train. This overpass allows passengers to get from street level up top, down to The Sounder commuter train service down below on the other side of this AMTRAK train.
Nathan and I have both blogged here about ugly "utilitarian" Canadian infrastructure and how more public art and decor is designed into overpasses and other structures in the USA. These photos above are good examples of his an ugly overpass can become public art. There are also several other examples that I saw on the way to Portland today, but unfortunately a camera and a quick moving train don't always mix! At least I captured this good example for you. More to come over the next few days.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Bike Lane in Langley City
Langley City has a patchwork of incomplete biking infrastructure. I’m hoping that the City will start to invest in completing this network. It seems to me like working began in the late eighty’s on building a bike network, but then something happened. Hopefully Langley City’s Park, Environment, Recreation, and Cultural Committee (which I’m on) will be able to make some recommendation to move this forward.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Money Makes The World Go Around
Money and budgets are a necessary evil in municipal circles and the Township of Langley is currently in a budget process. Without being political, I hope this information will be considered by our citizens in the Township of Langley and that they will provide feedback to mayor and council as I did yesterday.
I have attended all but one Finance Committee meeting, as well as the Council budget meetings that were held. Staff worked up numbers to show what various options would look like. The options were 1%, 3.95% and 5% tax increases. Obviously the higher the increase the more you can do. Some have argued that these are tough economic times and we need to be conservative.
I would agree with those who propose being conservative to a point, but I also recognize that the Township is not a commercial enterprise. The ToL cannot cut as a business does. We have made major investments in our community transportation assets like roads, bridges, transit corridors, etc. There are other non-transportation related assets, but I wanted to focus on transportation here.
In reviewing the budget documents and speaking with engineering staff I see 7 items that can be funded under transportation with a 1% tax increase. Basically some simple paving projects and that's about it with a budget of $15,563,953 for transportation, of which $4,896,031 goes to Salaries, Wages, Bendefits & Other. This would create a surplus of only $21,752 for any unexpected emergencies in 2009.
The challenges with a 1% icrease budget is that we will have serious shortfalls, unless we borrow money from reserves and increase our financial risks.
1% Budget (shortfalls)
2009 = - $1,929,442
2010 = - $3,491,219
2011 = - $4,615,043
2012 = - $6,086,789
2013 = - $8,987,178
1% Transportation Utility (surpluses)
2009 = $21,752
2010 = $671,061
2011 = $697,258
2012 = $387,056
2013 = $308,773
Also with the 1% increase, Water and Sewer Utilities Contribution to Capital would be depleted. All at a time where more and more residents want water and sewer lines in the ToL.
3.95% Budget (surpluses)
2009 = - $224,195
2010 = - $1,008,805
2011 = - $2,437,527
2012 = - $3,738,746
2013 = - $3,846,914
A 3.95% increase would produce these surpluses for the Transportation Utility, thereby allowing us to fund more projects:
3.95% Transportation Utility (surpluses)
2009 = $396,380
2010 = $1,453,845
2011 = $1,924,060
2012 = $2,096,218
2013 = $2,541,277
5% Budget Surplus/Shortfall
2009 - 2013 = - $0
5% Transportation Utility Surplus/Shortfall
2009 - 2010 = $0
2011 = - $1,197,605 (with $3,078,975 Contribution to Capital)
2012 = - $2,613,832 (with $4,955,274 Contribution to Capital)
2013 = - $3,398,213(with $5,500,000 Contribution to Capital)
Obviously the surpluses would be applied to fund more projects. An important transportation priority that I see on the list of potential projects is the replacement of the bridge at 232nd Street and 68th Avenue. I have been told by engineers that we may get as little as 12-18 months use of this bridge before major structural concerns will prevent trucks and larger vehicles from using this bridge. The price to design and construct a 232nd Street bridge is pegged at $1,500,000.
Also, the average person doesn't realize that the 200th Street Interchange vehicle capacity study assumed an overpass for 216th as well as a 4 lane 208th Street overpass, as part of the Major Roads Network (MRN). The cost to design and build a new 4 lane 208th Street overpass is pegged at $3,216,000. I have been told that the existing overpass allows for us to kick off the side plates and expand to 4 lanes, thereby saving us some cash.
I personally provided a feedback form to support a 5% increase, but I would also support a 3.95% increase. There is no way I would support anything less and put our community and transportation needs in jeopardy.
The choice is yours based on the facts and figures. More details and info on providing input can be found at the ToL website here.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Breaking News: Light Rail for Toronto
The Eglinton rapid transit line will be the most expensive among the projects, costing about $4.6-billion. The City of Toronto and Metrolinx will determine final costs, the government said.You can read more about this in the Global and Mail. I like this quote for the article:
It will also include funding for the Toronto Transit Commission's plans to update and extend the Scarborough Rapid Transit line, and build a new rapid transit line along Finch Avenue from the Yonge subway line west to Highway 27 and east to Don Mills station.
“We need to move quickly to build a better public transit system for commuters,” Premier Dalton McGuinty said in a statement. “Our investments in transit will create jobs, help stimulate the economy and improve the air we breathe.”