Simple Steps
1.) Look for the link to the “I’d Rather be Taking Rail” sign. It should be on the top right side of this blog.

2.) Download either the PDF or JPEG of the sign. (Remeber to right-click and select "Save As...")

3.) Now you have some choice: you can ether print the sign or have it available in another form that can be captured. (More on this in steps 4.)

4.) Find a camera.
5.) Get you (and your friends) together with the sign from step 3.

6.) Be creative: take a picture or video of you (and your friends) with the sign.
7.) Go to: http://www.flickr.com/groups/takerail/ and post your media to our pool. (PS: you might need to sign up for a flickr account first.)

8.) That’s it, you’re done! You have now made a difference. Now tell everyone you know about this campaign.
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