Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December 4, 2017 Council Meeting Notes: Updated water use restrictions, plus rate increases for water, sewer, and garbage services

With the end of the year, also come planning for water, sewer, and garbage services for 2018. Council gave first, second, and third reading to six bylaws relating to the delivery of these services on Monday night.

Metro Vancouver adopted a new Drinking Water Conversation Plan. This plan has four stages of water restriction:

Stage 1: reduces demand in summer months, and is automatically in effect on May 1 until October 15.

Stages 2 and 3: activated and deactivated by the GVWD Commissioner, are likely to be activated during unusually hot and dry conditions to maximize conservation.

Stage 4: activated and deactivated by the GVWD Commissioner during an emergency to immediately limit water use to essential needs only.

Metro Vancouver has posted a document online which outlines what water uses are restricted during different stages. Langley City is incorporating Metro Vancouver’s water conversation plan into our bylaws.

Langley City council also gave three readings to update our municipal ticketing bylaw which will see an increase in fines for unauthorized watering when restrictions are in place.

Stage 1 increased to $100 per incident
Stage 2 increased to $200 per incident
Stage 3 increased to $500 per incident
Stage 4 increased to $1000 per incident

Council gave three reading to update the City’s fees and charges bylaws to allow lawn sprinkling permits for new lawns, and existing lawns to receive nematode application during certain stages of water conservation.

Langley City garbage collection fees will be increasing by $10 in 2018. Council gave three readings to increase the flat fee to $190 per year. This is due to a 38% increase in green waste disposal costs, plus a 3% fee increase from Metro Vancouver for handling garbage. Langley City provides garbage collection services to single-family housing only.

Water and sewer fees are increasing in 2018. Council gave three readings to bylaws that will increase the water consumption charge by $0.07 per cubic metre, and $0.07 per cubic metre for sewer. These rate increases are primarily driven by Metro Vancouver who provides water and sewer services to municipalities in our region.

The proposed new water rate will be $75 per year, plus $1.23 per cubic metre of use. The proposed new sewer rate will be $75 per year, plus $1.11 per cubic metre of use.

On the topic of sewer, Langley City council authorized funding for upgrading the sewer line along 48 Avenue between 208 Street and 210 Street.

Yesterday, I posted about our library system. Tomorrow, I will be posting about the remaining items that were on the agenda of Monday night’s council meeting.

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