City of Langley Solutions Tracker

During the February 2016 By-Election, I promised to work on solutions to increase safety, improve health, and create prosperity for people and businesses that call Langley City home.

Over the course of my term on Council, I will track the progress towards, and in some cases, what is blocking progress towards implementing these solutions.

Implement 203rd Street Greenway

Progress: Completed.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Improving lighting in our parks and around Downtown

Progress: As of July 2018, Langley City in the process of upgrading all street lights to LED, focusing on major corridors first. Logan Avenue is in progress. Continuing downtown lighting replacement program. Improved lighting in Douglas Park. Crime Prevention Task Group recommendations approved to investigate more lighting in parks and downtown.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Removing garbage, needles, and graffiti; repair damage on streets and in parks

Progress: As of February 2018, council adopted Community Crime Prevention Strategic Plan. Corridor Improvement Program funded. Graffiti inspection done every Monday throughout parks. Council also approved a potential pilot of needle drop boxes that could reduce inappropriately discarded needles by 98%.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Sidewalk Improvement: Install new where needed, widened to modern standards where needed, ensure obstruction-free walking area

Progress: As of July 2018, new sidewalks along 46A Avenue and in Duncan Way Industrial Area are moving forward. Other walking infrastructure being upgraded including replacing curb letdowns. Building a walking-friendly transportation network park of the 2017-2021 Langley City Strategic Plan.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Implement traffic calming where requested by residents

Progress: As of July 2018, traffic calming implemented near HD Stafford Middle School, Conder Park, Linwood Park, Brydon Park, and along 198th Street. Further traffic calming included in budget.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Expand protected cycling lane network

Progress: 203rd Street cycling lanes complete. 53/51B Avenue buffered bike lanes complete. 56 Avenue bike lanes complete. As of July 2018, funding received from TransLink to build protected bike lanes on Glover Road and missing link on 208 Street. Building a cycling-friendly transportation network park of the 2017-2021 Langley City Strategic Plan

Blocking Progress: N/A

Implement safer pedestrian crosswalks

Progress: As of July 2018, new crosswalks at 208th Street and 50A Avenue, and 204th Street and 54th Avenue installed. Building a walking-friendly transportation network park of the 2017-2021 Langley City Strategic Plan.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Move forward with action plan to reduce homelessness

Progress: As of July 2018, Council adopted Homelessness Strategic Plan. Provincial government funded 30 relief shelter spaces starting on September 26, 2016. Province also funded ICM Team to get people off the street into supportive houses. As the ICM Team is fully subscribed, council has formally requested addition resources for the team to be able to help more people. BC Housing moving forward with Quality Inn supportive housing project. Council formed Homelessness Action Table. City hiring Community Liaison Coordinator to support, lead, facilitate, and implement the work plan from the Homelessness Action Table. Focus of 2017-2021 Langley City Strategic Plan.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Make Downtown Langley a destination

Progress: Recommended to be built a performing art centre, attract destination retail stores, and improve the public realm in our downtown in Economic Development Strategy approved by Council on June 27, 2016 and new comprehensive vision for community approved on July 23, 2018. As of July 2018, Fraser Highway One-way renewal in progress. Budget approved to expand Downtown Summer Series, more McBurney Plaza activities, Fuller Lane activation, pilot parklet, and pilot Night Market in Downtown, plus other new family-friendly community events. Further enchaining of the public realm in downtown, hosting more events in downtown, and updating the Downtown Master Plan are initiatives in the 2017-2021 Langley City Strategic Plan.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Work towards building an arts centre in Downtown

Progress: As of July 2018, included as a key initiative in the 2017-2021 Langley City Strategic Plan and Langley City: Nexus of Community vision.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Implement recommendations of the Brydon Lagoon task force

Progress: As of May 2018, approved as part of the Parks, Recreation and Environment Advisory Committee work plan. Brydon Lagoon Outlet Culvert Replacement completed. Shoreline diversification in progress.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Investigate a tree canopy enhancement strategy

Progress: Developing an Urban Forest Management Strategy, updating the tree inventory, and developing a Tree Asset Management Plan in 2017-2021 Langley City Strategic Plan.

Blocking Progress: N/A

Review the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw via a comprehensive public engagement process

Progress: As of July 2018, Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw renewal part of Langley City: Nexus of Community vision.

Blocking Progress: N/A


Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that improvement of lighting is on the agenda. There are 6 lamp posts out on one single block along 201A just off of Fraser highway just outside my building. Who would I contact to have them replaced?
Thank you.

Nathan Pachal said...

Please use this link: