Thursday, October 13, 2022

Surrey Langley SkyTrain Extension Update

Surrey Central SkyTrain Entrance

The provincial government is in the process of building a SkyTrain extension to Langley City along Fraser Highway. TransLink regularly provides updates about the project to its board which I wanted to share below.

July 2021 — Prime Minister Trudeau announced $1.3 billion in federal funding to extend the Expo Line 16 kilometres from Surrey City Centre to Langley Centre. The total project cost estimate prepared by the Province is $3.94 billion.
September 2021 — the TransLink Board approved committing up to $150M to the early property acquisition and review of a future OMC5 [SkyTrain Maintaintaince and Storage Facality in the South of Fraser] to support operations of the SLS extension and provide long-term train storage and maintenance capacity for the Expo and Millennium Line network.
October 2021 — the Province announced it was delivering the Surrey Langley SkyTrain (SLS) Project and the Project would be delivered in a single phase to Langley Centre. TransLink completed the transfer of staff and professional services contracts to the Province. An Assignment and Assumption Agreement between TransLink and the Province was executed on November 18, 2021, completing the transfer of staff and professional services contracts.
May 26, 2022 — The 2022 Investment Plan approved by the Board and Mayors’ Council includes the Surrey Langley SkyTrain to be delivered by the Province and construction of Operations and Maintenance Centre 5 to support the expanded SkyTrain Network.
July 14, 2022 — The approval of the business case is announced. The Province will deliver the project in three procurement packages: Guideway (Design-Build-Finance), Stations (Design-Build), and Systems & Trackwork (Target Price). Procurement would include a request for qualification (RFQ), shortlist of proponents, and Request for Proposals (RFP) prior to selecting the preferred proponent and award of each procurement package.
August 2, 2022 — Request for Qualifications for the Guideway contract is issued. The project brief identifies the Request for Proposals is targeted for release in January 2023.
October 3, 2022 — Request for Qualifications for construction of eight new SkyTrain stations, including active transportation elements, such as cycling and walking paths around the stations is issued. The project brief identifies the Request for Proposals is targeted for release in January 2023.

The project's construction is expected to begin in 2024 and be in operation in late 2028.

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