Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Inaugural Langley City Council Meeting November 7th

Over the past few days, I’ve had a few people inquire about the inaugural Langley City Council meeting. This meeting is when Council will swear their Oaths of Office, and the Mayor will participate in the Mayor Chain ceremony.

This inaugural meeting is a public Council meeting, so anyone is free to attend.

The details are:
Monday, November 7th
7:00 pm
Langley City Council Chamber
20399 Douglas Crescent

You may want to arrive at least 15 minutes early as the inaugural council meeting usually is well attended.

Interestingly, the current Council has one more meeting on October 24th. Unlike at the provincial or the federal level, where after an election, all policies that are in progress die, City Council is a continuing body. This continuation means that any motions and bylaws in progress continue forward; if a bylaw were at its third reading today, its next step would be the fourth and final reading under the new Council.

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