Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Small Changes, Big Results for Active Transportation in Langley City

Simple changes can make the biggest difference in improving a community's walkability. For example, a few years ago, the City repealed a policy that prevented the installation of mid-block crosswalks. This change has resulted in new crosswalks at Sendall Gardens at Grade Crescent and now a new crosswalk at Brydon Lagoon and 53rd Avenue.

Crosswalk at Brydon Lagoon on 53rd Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

Crosswalk at Sendall Gardens on Grade Crescent. Select image to enlarge.

These crosswalks improve the safety of people walking, cycling, and wheeling.

The City also has a history of building walking connectors to shorten walking distances on otherwise dead-end streets or cul-de-sacs.

The City recently put in a sidewalk through the 196th Street sound wall at 55A Avenue. If someone wanted to get to 56th Avenue and 196th Street before on public streets, they would have to walk 1 kilometre out of the way back to 198th, which added 10 minutes to what would otherwise be a short walk. Why does this matter? A new SkyTrain station will be at the end of the 196th Street overpass at Willowbrook Mall.

Sidewalk through to 196th Street from 55A Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

These small improvements help give people options and support active transportation.

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