Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Council Notes: Bylaws Given Final Reading on October 18th

In BC, municipalities usually need to give four readings of a proposed bylaw before it is passed and adopted. For most bylaws, the first, second, and third reading of a bylaw can occur concurrently and at the same meeting. When a bylaw is “read,” Council votes on if it should proceed. The final reading of a bylaw must occur at least one day after its third reading. This buffer acts like a sobber second thought for Council and can be used to back out of a bylaw.

For land-use matters in Langley City, the first and second reading of a bylaw occurs at one meeting, a public hearing where anyone can speak about the bylaw on another, third reading on another day after the public hearing, and final reading at yet another meeting.

Last Monday, Langley City Council gave the final reading to the following bylaws. For more information, please select each item to go to the post where I provide more detail.

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