Monday, March 22, 2021

Construction Underway on 208th Street Enhanced Crosswalk to Uplands Elementary

Over the last several years, Langley City has been enhancing crosswalks and implementing traffic calming focused near schools, parks, and trails. These changes make walking safer and more inviting, supporting creating a walkable community that improves people’s health.

One long-standing request from parents of students who go to Uplands Elementary and the surrounding neighbourhood is to create a new crosswalk across 208th Street near 45A Avenue. This crosswalk would improve walking access between the school and the area east of 208th Street.

In 2019, Langley City implemented traffic calming along 207A Street, including a raised crosswalk that leads to a walkway that connects to 208th Street.

Raised crosswalk along 207 Street near Uplands Elementary. Select image to enlarge.

About four months ago, Langley City council reaffirmed support for a crosswalk across 208th Street. I posted last week that construction is starting on this project.

Over the weekend, I walked up to the new crosswalk’s construction site, through the walkway, and to the school.

New enhanced crosswalk construction underway at 208th Street near 45A Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

While it does not look like much now, the base and conduct to support the rapid flashing crosswalk are in place. Construction is well underway.

When completed, the crosswalk will be similar in design to the crosswalk at 204th Street and 54th Avenue.

Enhanced crosswalk at 204th Street and 54th Avenue, looking north. Select image to enlarge.

It is great to see these positive changes happening in our community. The crosswalk will make it faster to walk to the school as people will no longer need to double back from 44th Avenue.

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