Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June 25, 2018 Council Meeting Notes: Redevelopment, pedestrian access, and parking

Last year was the busiest year of the last 20 for residential redevelopment in Langley City. This year looks to be continuing at a similar pace.

Building permit values in Langley City, 1998-2017. Select chart to enlarge.

Last night at the Langley City council meeting, three rezoning applications received first and second reading to allow them to move forward to a public hearing. The first rezoning bylaw was for a 3-storey, 36-unit townhouse development located along 55 Avenue as shown:

Rendering of proposed development located at 19727, 19737, 19755, 19763 55 Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

Location of 19727, 19737, 19755, 19763 55 Avenue. Select map to enlarge.

The second rezoning bylaw was for a 4-storey, 48-unit condominium apartment located along 53A Avenue as shown:

Rendering of proposed development located at 20105, 20109, 20119, 20129 53A Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

Location of 20105, 20109, 20119, 20129 53A Avenue. Select map to enlarge.

The third rezoning bylaw was for a 3-storey, 13-unit townhouse development located in the 199A Street cul-de-sac as shown:

Rendering of proposed development located at 5471 and 5481 199A Street. Select image to enlarge.

Location of 5471 and 5481 199A Street. Select map to enlarge.

Council also gave first and second reading to allow a public hearing to be scheduled for zoning an unused section of lane by Park Avenue to Downtown Commercial. You can read more about this former lane in a previous post. Final reading was also given to remove an unused lane along Brydon Crescent.

Council gave final reading, and approved issuing a development premit, for a 3-storey, 64-unit townhouse development located along 55 Avenue and 198 Street. The public hearing was held back in March. You can read more about this project in a previous post.

With rapid redevelopment occurring along Brydon Crescent, there is a need to ensure good walking connectivity to that neighbourhood. Easy walking access to our park system is important. Councillor Albrecht, who is Vice-Chair of the Advisory Planning Commission, noted that City staff is evaluating pedestrian access options.

On the topic of the Advisory Planning Commission, Commission members unanimously asked City Council to review tandem parking. Most townhouse units approved in our community use tandem parking; where one car is parked directly behind another. Parking is controlled by our zoning bylaw which is currently under review. A tandem parking policy review will now be incorporated into the overall bylaw review.

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