Friday, July 7, 2023

My Journey from Langley City to Lions Bays on Transit

As a member of the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation, we are one of the two governing bodies for TransLink.

As a lifelong transit rider, I’m pretty familiar with the transit system, but there are places that I’ve never taken transit to.

To understand the experience of transit riders in every part of our region, I’ve been slowly visiting every mayor in Metro Vancouver on transit. There are 21 municipalities in Metro Vancouver, so this will be an ongoing project.

I hope my transit experiences visiting each mayor will help me make better decisions as a member of the Mayors’ Council as we work towards our new 10-Year Transportation Vision and implementation plans.

Yesterday, I took transit from Langley City Hall to Lions Bay.

As this is one of the more extreme transit journeys, I thought I would document it.

I left Langley City Hall around 8 am and arrived at Lions Bay Municipal Hall around 11:45 am.

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