Wednesday, July 5, 2023

198th Street Potholes Patched

As we all know, 198th Street was full of potholes between 53rd Avenue and 56th Avenue. The road was in rough shape because of ongoing construction along the corridor.

Potholes patched on 198th Street

As part of completing the apartment building on 54th Avenue, the City required the developer to repave that section of 198th Street. Yesterday, a City contractor patched the potholes north of the repaved section.

The City still needs to completely repave the section of 198th Street north of 54th Avenue. The City will complete this repaving once the City completes the replacement of the water and sewer lines under that street. The City has scheduled this work for 2027.

The section of 198 Street between 53rd and 54th is still in rough shape as it is in an active construction zone. Of course, if there are potholes, the City will patch them. Once the townhouse project is completed, the developer will fully repave that section of 198th Street.

If you see other potholes on 198th Street or anywhere in Langley City, please report them at

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