The provincial government allocated 1 billion dollars as part of their one-time Growing Communities Fund to local governments throughout BC. Langley City received $7.2 million as part of that program.
One of the grant requirements is for the local government to set up a special account, so the provincial government can audit how each local government invested this grant funding. As a result, Langley City Council gave first, second, and third reading to the Growing Communities Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw.
As a result of this grant, and due to some other changes, Council gave first, second, and third reading to amend our 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan.
Langley City’s largest shovel-ready project is renewing the Fraser Highway One-Way area. This part of our community is among the oldest, and its underground infrastructure is in critical need of repair. Langley City will use the provincial grant to accelerate this project. The City has been saving for this project, which would have required additional funding in our 2024 budget. The provincial grant allows us to fully fund this $20.7 million project in 2023. The goal is to have this project tendered for construction by the end of this year. As a note, Langley City will still meaningfully consult with impacted businesses before the project begins construction in 2024.
The remainder of the changes to the capital projects plan are as follows.
Douglas Recreation Centre Renovation for Child Care Centre: Appling for a $2.3 million grant from the province due to cost increases, bringing the project costs to $5 million.
56 Ave Project (200 St to 203 St): Additional $1.4 million for renewing water, sewer, storm sewer and traffic signal and repaving to be funded from casino revenue.
Park Avenue, West of 204 St: Additional $58,240 from casino revenue to complete repaving.
200 St Watermain Replacement (44 Ave and 50 Ave): Additional $1.6m to complete and delay the project to 2024.
46 Ave (206A St to 207 St) Storm Sewer Renewal: Additional $167,000 from casino revenue to complete the project.
Fraser Highway Project (Production Way to 203 Street): Scheduled for 2024. This $3.2 million project will be funded from reserve accounts.
Fraser Highway Sewer Renewal (56 Ave to 204 St): Scheduled for 2024 to occur at the same time as the Fraser Highway Project (Production Way to 203 Street.) This $550,000 will be funded by casino revenue.
Public Safety Precinct: Develop a Public Safety Precinct. $150,000 funded by reserve accounts.
Performing Arts and Cultural Planning: $192,540 to prepare a conceptual design. Funded by casino revenue.
Michaud Crescent Watermain Replacements: $200,000 funded by reserve accounts and casino revenue.
Timms Community Centre Door Air Curtain: $10,000 funded by Community Amenity Funds.
Parks Equipment Replacement: $175,000 to replace work vehicles funded by reserve accounts.
Fire Truck Replacement (Engine 12): Reallocated funding from other fire truck replacement projects.
Miscellaneous Office Equipment at City Hall: $15,000 funded by casino revenue.
200 St. Culvert Upgrade at Brydon Crescent: Additional $764,420 TransLink grant with $35,580 funded from reserve accounts.
Douglas Crescent & 203 St Intersection Safety Improvement: Additional $56,360 from a TransLink grant and $21,120 from casino revenue.
Langley Bypass Roadway and Cycling Improvements: TransLink grant of $1.1 million received. The project is scheduled for 2026.
Emergency Operations Centre Upgrade: Additional $10,000 funded by reserve accounts.
Emergency Preparedness Program: The Province, through UBCM, has provided a $29,864.94 grant.
City Hall Power Generator & Fencing: An additional $35,000 funded by casino revenue.
This proposed Capital Improvement Plan amendment does not impact this year’s property tax rate.
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