Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Council Notes: Rezoning and 2023 Budget

On Monday, Langley City Council gave third reading to its 2023 budget, also known as the Financial Plan 2023-2027.

I’ve made the following post about this year’s budget which you can read for more information:

Langley City’s 2023 Budget Overview

A Deeper Dive into Langley City’s Proposed 2023 Budget: On-going Operating Budget

A Deeper Dive into Langley City’s Proposed 2023 Budget: One-time Capital Projects

Council will vote on the final reading to adopt the budget at its March 6th meeting.

Langley City Council also gave final reading to a rezoning and issued a development permit to enable the construction of a 15-unit townhouse project at 19665 & 19669 55A Avenue. You can read more about this project in a previous post.

A rendering of the view of the project from its internal drive. Select the image to enlarge.

A rendering of the view of the project from 55A Avenue. Select the image to enlarge.

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