Wednesday, November 23, 2022

November 21 Council Notes: External Auditor Appointed, Public Meeting Times

Yesterday, I posted about redevelopment matters that Langley City Council addressed at its Monday meeting. I will post about the remaining items addressed today.

Under BC law, municipalities must have their financials audited by an independent firm. BDO Canada LLP has been Langley City’s external financial auditor, but its current term has ended. The City put out a new tender for an external audit; BDO Canada LLP was the only firm to respond. We were budgeting $37,000 for BDO Canada’s services previously, but now we will be paying the following rates:

2022: $65,377
2023: $65,377
2024: $69,978
2025 & 2026: To be negotiated after the completion of the first three years.

Council asked Staff why the cost went up and was told it was due to inflations and general price increases in the market. Council approved BDO Canada LLP as our external auditor from 2022-26.

Council approved the following 2023 dates for its regular public meetings, which will start at 7 pm in person in the Langley City Council chambers:

January 16, 30
February 13, 27
March 6, 20
April 3, 17
May 1, 8
June 5, 19
July 10, 24
September 11, 25
October 16, 30
November 6, 20
December 4, 11

Council also approved moving the start time of the December 5 and December 12, 2022, public meetings from 3 pm via Zoom to 4 pm via Zoom to allow all members of Council to participate.


  1. Why was BDO Canada LLP, the only firm to respond to the tender? Who are the other municipalities using? That’s a huge increase 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. I'm not sure about why they only responded. BDO does Surrey as well. KPMG does White Rock and the Township as an example. Pwc does Delta.


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