Monday, July 11, 2022

$9.8 Million in Projects for Campbell Valley Regional Park

Historic Langley Speedway in Campbell Valley Regional Park

Campbell Valley Regional Park is one of the significant parks in Metro Vancouver. In 2020, the Metro Vancouver Regional District Board adopted the Campbell Valley Regional Park Management Plan. This plan outlines a five-year investment vision for the park.

In short, the plan’s vision is to connect “people to natural and cultural landscapes. Its river valley, forests, and grasslands contain a diversity of ecosystems and experiences where visitors recreate, discover, and experience nature.”

I posted about the management plan back in 2020. In that post are detailed maps of the proposed improvements the regional district wants to make. I’ve included an overview map below.

Concept plan for Campbell Valley Regional Park. Select map to enlarge.

In its 2023 parks projects capital budget, the Metro Vancouver Regional District is looking for the board to approve $9.8 million in projects for Campbell Valley Regional Park over the next five years, which includes $1.2 million in 2023.

If the regional district board approves the projects, it will allow for the implementation of the Campbell Valley Regional Park Management Plan and the renewal of the Little River Loop Boardwalk.

Over the last few years, I’ve visited more national, province, regional, and local parks than in the previous ten years. I can say that Metro Vancouver has some of the best parks that I’ve been in because the district and board keep investing in them to help people connect with nature.

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