Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Options for Attending and Presenting at Langley City Council Meetings

With Langley City Council meetings via Zoom, some people have asked how they can attend or participate in council meetings in real-time.

There are two options.

The first option is to attend the meeting via Zoom from whatever location is convenient for you. To get the link for a Council meeting you’d like to attend, please by noon of the day of the meeting you’d like to attend. Please include your full name and the e-mail address where you’d link the link for the meeting to be sent.

You can also attend a Council meeting by going to City Hall. City staff set up the CKF Meeting Room on the second floor of City Hall for people to view the Council meeting in real-time. This option allows people who may not have ready and reliable access to a computer, device, or Internet.

As you’ve always been able to do, you can request to appear before Council to share your views or requests on any topic within municipal jurisdiction.

You can download and fill out a “Request to Appear as a Delegation/Community Spotlight” form. Instructions are included within the form. Optionally, you can also go to the Administration Counter on the second floor of City Hall to request the form.

Anyone can attend and participate in a Council meeting, whether at City Hall or with your device. Access to an Internet connection or Internet-connected device is not a requirement.

As a note, you can view past Council meetings on the City’s YouTube channel.

Upcoming Council meetings this year are:
June 13, 27
July 11, 25
September 19
October 3, 24
November 7, 21
December 5, 12

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