Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Only You Can Prevent and Manage Invasive Species in Metro Vancouver

Brydon Lagoon

In Metro Vancouver, we have our fair share of invasive plant species introduced over the years that have gotten out of control. Some of Langley’s most prolific invasive plant species include Himalayan Blackberry, Purple Loosestrife, and Reed Canarygress.

If you have even wondered how you can help control invasive plant species, the Metro Vancouver Regional District has put together a free, one-hour online training program that you can take at your own pace.

You can also find factsheets on identifying and controlling certain invasive species on the Metro Vancouver website. Because you cannot use your backyard composter to depose invasive species, information is also available on the deposal process for both the Township and Langley City.

If you see an invasive species, you can report it online or via a mobile app. More information is on the province’s website.

Because you can purchase some invasive plant species at gardening centres, knowing what plants work best in Metro Vancouver is good. You can check out Grow Green, a partnership between the Metro Vancouver Regional District and UBC Botanical Garden. You can find tips on designing your garden, lawn, or containers and learn which plants work best in our region.

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