Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Council Notes: 2022 Budget Approved, Property Tax Options, Alcoholic Beverages in Parks, Earth Day, and Climate Change

On March 21st, Langley City Council gave final reading and adopted the 2022 municipal budget for our community. Mayor van den Broek, Councillor Martin, and Councillor Storteboom opposed adopting the budget. You can learn more about this in a previous post.

As I posted about previously, the most significant cost increase in Langley City’s budget this year is for policing. This increase in cost is due to the recent contract between the federal government and National Police Federation.

There are several options available for paying property tax. In Langley City, you can sign up for the Tax Prepayment Plan, which allows you to pay your property tax in installments instead of one lump sum.

You can also defer paying property tax if you are:

  • 55 or older
  • A surviving spouse of any age
  • A person with disabilities
  • A parent, stepparent, or financially supporting a child

For more information on how this program work, please visit the Government of BC’s website.

Council also gave first, second, and third reading to a bylaw to enable the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages in select Langley City parks this summer. You can read more information about this in a previous post.

Council approved a request from the Environmental Sustainability Committee to spend $2,000 to support our local Earth Day and Pitch-In events on April 23rd. The committee will use the funds to purchase plants, planting supplies, prizes and advertising. Learn more about this year’s Earth Day events on Langley City’s website.

Council also approved an update to “Council Policy CO-71 – Asset Management Policy.” This update integrates climate change into our asset management practices and decision-making, including building infrastructure adapted to climate change when the City renews assets.

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