Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Langley City Development Update: Eastleigh Crescent Apartment and 55A Avenue Townhouses

Last Monday, Langely City Council gave final reading to update the current, old Official Community Plan, Rezoning Bylaw and issued a Development Permit to enable the construction of a 6-storey, 88-unit apartment development at 20689 and 20699 Eastleigh Crescent.

This project had a slight adjustment between the third and final readings. The elevation of the living spaces on the ground floor needed to be raised due to Langley City’s Floodplain Elevation Bylaw to protect people’s living spaces during a 1 in 200-year flood event.

These renderings show the updated design.

Updated renderings of proposed apartment project at 20689 & 20699 Eastleigh Crescent. Select image to enlarge.

These renderings show the original design.

Original renderings of proposed apartment project at 20689 & 20699 Eastleigh Crescent. Select image to enlarge.

Council also gave third reading to a bylaw to enable a 15-unit townhouse development at 19665 and 19669 55A Avenue. You can read more about this proposed development in a previous post.

Council gave first, second, and third reading to “close” a lane which the City never built out. The lane’s location is between 5500 and 5510 Brydon Crescent.

Proposed lane closure. Select image to enlarge.

Ideally, this lane could have formed part of a connection to 199A Street to improve cycling and walking access, but because the previous Council (which I was a part of) and I missed the opportunity during a previous development project along 199A Street, this is no longer possible.

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