Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Last Opportunity to Provide Feedback on Once-in-a Generation Official Community Plan

Langley City staff and consultants have been working on creating a new Official Community Plan for our municipality. An Official Community Plan is a foundational bylaw. It is almost like the constitution for a municipality in BC. All bylaws, plans, and development must be consistent with a municipality’s Official Community Plan.

While land-use is a significant part of Official Community Plans, they intersect with other policy topics.

Proposed land-use map for Langley City. Select to enlarge.

For example, Langley City’s proposed new Official Community Plan addresses climate change, economic growth, parks, arts and cultural services, transportation, and community safety.

Langley City’s proposed new Official Community Plan has gone through several rounds of public feedback and refinement. You can learn about how public feedback has helped shape the proposed new Official Community Plan in a previous post.

The final deadline to provide feedback on the proposed new Official Community Plan is the evening of Monday, June 28th.

You can write or email City Council with your comments. You can attend a virtual public hearing to share your thoughts about the proposed new Official Community Plan.

If possible, please consider taking some time to read about the proposed new Official Community Plan, and consider sharing your thoughts.

You can learn more about the proposed new Official Community Plan, including how to provide feedback and attend the virtual public hearing on Langley City’s website.

This document will guide and shape Langley City for decades to come.

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