Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Enhancing and Protecting the Urban Forest, Metro Vancouver’s New Toolkit

Earlier this month, Langley City Council reaffirmed its commitment to building a community where we restore damaged ecosystems and wildlife habitats, and introduce nature back into our urban areas. These commitments will help mitigate some of the impacts of climate change. City Council’s strategic goal is to complete an Urban Forest Management Strategy. This goal is one example of how we can restore natural systems.

Many other cities in Metro Vancouver are also looking to enhance and protect these urban forests and tree canopy.

Nicomekl Floodplain

The Metro Vancouver Regional District recently released a “Metro Vancouver Tree Regulation Toolkit.” This guide provides best practices to help manage the urban forest, including specific technical guidance. The following shows at a high level the “tools” available for municipalities to consider.

Regulatory tools to preserve trees and grow the tree canopy in the region. Select image to view.

As Langley City looks to completing its Urban Forest Management Strategy, this toolkit may be helpful.

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