Thursday, February 11, 2021

Public Hearing: 5-storey, 18-unit Small-Site Apartment at 201A Street and 53A Avenue

On Monday night, Langley City council hosted a virtual public hearing for a proposed 5-storey, 18-unit apartment at 20172 53A Avenue. This apartment is on a small site at the corner of 201A Street and 53A Avenue.

Rendering of proposed 5-storey, 18-unit apartment at 20172 53A Avenue. Select image to enlarge.

You can read more about this proposed project in a previous post.

Site of the proposed apartment building. Select image to enlarge. Source:

At the virtual public hearing, the proponent of the project reviewed its specifics. Usually, several people attend virtual public hearings. At this public hearing, there were no members of the public present. Council did receive two pieces of correspondence.

One person who lives in a townhouse across the street was concerned about impacts to on-street parking and the building’s height.

The other person had specific questions about fire fighting access on the south side of the building.

Council must consider all correspondence received during a public hearing. This proposed project will likely come forward for a third reading at the next council meeting. At that meeting, council will vote on whether the rezoning to enable this proposed development will proceed.

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