Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Infographic: What would you do with extra time in your day?

One of the main reasons for voting yes in the upcoming transit plebiscite is to reduce congestion on our roads and improve transit service. This will reduce people's commutes, leaving more time to spend with their family and friends.

Just how much time will you save? I was able to obtain some time-savings information based on modelling done for the mayors’ plan. The following infographics look at the time savings for transit users who live in various parts of Langley. Tomorrow, I will post infographics that show the time savings for people who drive if the region votes Yes.

Time saving for people who take transit from Langley City. Select infographic to enlarge.

Time saving for people who take transit from Willoughby. Select infographic to enlarge.

Time saving for people who take transit from Aldergrove. Select infographic to enlarge.

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