Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Infographic: Voting Yes means more free time for drivers too

Yesterday, I posted a few Langley-specific infographics about the time savings that people who use transit would see if the region votes Yes to the Mayors’ Plan in the upcoming transit and transportation plebiscite.

While improving transit is key to creating jobs and allowing our aging population to live independent, dignified lives, for the time being the majority of people in Langley drive to get to other parts of the region.

Based on the same modelling data I obtained for transit time savings, I’ve posted the estimated time savings for people who use their cars to commute. Spending less time in traffic should be reason enough to vote yes.

Time saving for people who drive from Langley City or Aldergrove. Select infographic to enlarge.

Time saving for people who drive from Fort Langley or Willoughby. Select infographic to enlarge.

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