Monday, January 11, 2010

Sustainability on the Edge

Good afternoon. Our agenda for tomorrow's Sustainability on the Edge event is now complete. You can download a copy from our document archive, or view it below.

Sustainability on the Edge Agenda
Fraser River Presentation Theatre
Township of Langley Municipal Hall
Tuesday, January 12th, from 7-9pm

Start at 7:00pm

Introduction - Joe Zaccaria, South Fraser OnTrax (2 minutes)

Introduction - Mayor Green, Township of Langley (2 minutes)

Introduction of Mr. Moreno Rossi - Councillor Jordan Bateman (2minutes)

TransLink Presentation on Transit Oriented Development (15 minutes)

Introduction of Mr. Gordon Price - Councillor Jordan Bateman (2minutes)

Gordon Price Presentation on Sustainable Transportation Options (15 minutes)

Introduction of Councilor Collette - Councillor Jordan Bateman (2minutes)

Councilor Collette Presentation on Sustainability on the Edge (30 minutes)

Time should be 8:10pm – At this time Councillor Jordan Bateman becomes moderator

Formation of Panel for Question and Answer time, Introduction of Additional Panel Members, Explanation of QA to Audience - Councillor Jordan Bateman (5 minutes)

Question and Answer Time (40 minutes)

Closing Comments - Nathan Pachal, South Fraser OnTrax (5 minutes)

End at 9:00pm

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