Tuesday, January 12, 2010

From Grey to Green

South Fraser OnTrax is a big supporter of the Downtown Langley Master Plan. Last night Joe Zaccaria and I attended a presentation on phase three of the plan called “Public Realm Plan: From Grey to Green” which is basically the new look for Downtown Langley. Highlights of the plan include making pedestrians a priority in the downtown core. They will do this by improving sidewalks and introducing greenway streets that will contain multi-use trails. Also, the City is ditching 90's aqua as the colour of choice and will change all street lighting and furniture to black. Downtown lighting will be LED and Dark Sky compliant. Recycling will also be included on-street. One of the biggest changes will be the increase in plantings on the street. You can check out the whole phase three plan on the City’s website.

From Left to Right: Nathan Pachal, Councilor Collette, Mayor Fassbender, Joe Zaccaria

Also at last night’s presentation was Councilor Collette from Oregon Metro. Before becoming a Metro Councilor, she was a Councilor for the City of Milwaukie in the Portland area which is about the same size of Langley and had a similar downtown. She was very impressed with the Downtown Langley Plan and said that is was an ambitious plan. One thing she did note was the apparent lack of cycling integration in the plan; something I agree with. Anyway, I hope to see you all tonight at our Sustainability on the Edge Event.

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