Thursday, October 22, 2009

Upcoming Event in Abbotsford

The Abbotsford Cycling Action Group invites everyone who has a bike, or can borrow one, for a fun and important bike ride to celebrate the International Day of Climate Action. Our ride, 10:30 - 12:30, Saturday October 24, will follow bike lanes and sections of the Discovery Trail. It will start and end at the Bevan Ave. Parking lot next to Mill Lake.

This is one of over 3000 events in 170 countries on October 24, (United Nations Day) raising community awareness about our responsibility to reduce CO2 emissions world wide. Scientists and Governments all over the world now know that the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere is 350 parts per million. Today we are nearing 390. If we continue increases at our present rate, we will soon reach 450. Climate Scientists concur this would be catastrophic for our environment and for much of the life on our planet. We need to persuade our political representatives at all levels to demand action now. See for more information on how you can help.

This is a great opportunity to send a clear message from the Fraser Valley to our political leaders, and enjoy Abbotsford's bike lanes and Discovery Trail at the same time.

Call John Vissers for more information 604-308-0520

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