Friday, October 23, 2009

Cycling for Langley Meeting Next Wednesday

Happy Friday Everyone!

We have posted the meeting agenda for our Bike Network Event coming up next Wednesday. We will be going over the key issues, and priorities our goals for improving cycling in Langley. If everyone agrees, we will also become a local chapter of the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition. Members from the VACC will be on hand to answer our questions. Please bring your ideas for the name of our chapter and who (possibly yourself) might be a good chairperson.

I have also received confirmation that Mayor Peter Fassbender from the City will be joining us at the meeting. At a last meeting, we had Township Councillor Grant Ward. It is great to see that some of our local politicians are showing an interesting in cycling for Langley.

See you on Wednesday! You can download the agenda from the document archive.

Wednesday, October 28, 7pm – 9pm
Douglas Recreation Centre
20550 Douglas Crescent
Langley, BC

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