Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Upcoming Events

We have a fairly busy schedule this fall with events and meetings supporting sustainable communities in the South Fraser.

Our first meeting of the season is next Wednesday, September 9th from 7pm to 9pm at the Yorkson Creek Meeting Room at the Township of Langley Civic Facility. We will be hearing from the Salvation Army’s Director of Emergency Shelter and Housing Services, Carol Parcher. She will be talking about Langley’s Gateway of Hope. Sustainable communities are about more than mixed-used, transit friendly design; they are about providing housing and shelter from the rich to the down-and-out. The Gateway of Hope is about providing a hand-up to people in our community who need it the most. Coupled with an affordable housing policy, the Gateway of Hope should be able to move people from poverty to prosperity. I hope you can join us for this meeting.

On Thursday, September 17th starting at 7pm at the Willoughby Community Centre at the Langley Events Centre, we will be launching our Cycling Network for Langley Campaign. The Township and City of Langley, as well as Metro Vancouver, have identified the major off and on-road bike network, but this network is far from being complete. With the help of Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST), we will hear about a new program called "Mobility Matters". We will also be taking the first step to letting our local governments know that cycling is a priority for Langley. It time make cycling a safe, real alternative for people in our region.

Why Cycle in Langley?

-Cycling is a good way to introduce regular exercise into a busy schedule. It can also introduce a healthy lifestyle to your family.
-Cycling helps reduce traffic congestion.
-Cycling is a good way to build community and get to know others in your neighborhood.
-Cycling reduces household transportation green-house-gas -causing (GHG) and pollution emissions.
-Transportation in BC is responsible for 2/3 of all GHG causing emissions.
-Cycling gives the very young and seniors mobility options.
-Cycling saves you money by reducing the cost of operating and insuring a motor vehicle.

State of Cycling in Langley
-The Township and City of Langley, as well as Metro Vancouver, have identified the major off and on-road bike network.
-In the Township, new developments require off-road paths and on-road bike lanes.
-In the City, new road faculties and reconstructed road receive bike lanes.
-The City has an extensive path network through the Nicomekl Flood Plan.
-Older neighborhoods in Langley do not have cycling infrastructure.
-The bike network is a patchwork of non-connected off-road paths and on-road bike lanes.
-Cycling has a modal share is under 1% in Langley. Kelowna has a modal share of 3%. Victoria has a modal share of 10%. There is much room for improvement.
-The on-road bike lanes feel unsafe to many people.
-Completing the cycling network is not on the radar for councils in both the City and Township.

How to Improve Cycling in Langley
-Complete the bike network, as this is low cost item compared to other transportation improvements.
-Integrate and connect both the on-road and off-road bike network in Langley.
-Coordinate the bike network in the City and the Township.
-Build Separated Lanes for the on-road bike network to make cycling safer in Langley. Separated bike lanes can be as simple as placing plastic safety dividers and road paint markings on the road. It changes the configuration of the road from the centre out to vehicle travel lane, vehicles parking, bike lane, sidewalk.
-Tap into funding from seniors levels of government to fund these improvements.
-Increase the mode share of cycling in Langley to 5% in 10 years.

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