Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Community Rail Task Force

Last night’s Township of Langley’s Mayor’s Report contained some interesting information about the Interurban Corridor:
South of the Fraser Community Rail Update – We have made significant strides since our release of the CP / BC Hydro Master Agreement. Our request to all councils South of the Fraser for written support for the renewal of this agreement has been successful and we have received notice of its renewal. Further, we have initiated a process which BC Hydro is undertaking to review all corridor agreements. As of today we were advised that this will take about one month.

The same lawyer who concluded the 1988 agreements is undertaking this review. He believes that all passenger rights have been reserved between Vancouver and Chilliwack. We have had Tom Prendergast out to the Township to provide him with a complete history on this corridor, something he was not aware of. Since our notification of renewal, we had a meeting with Tom just over a week ago, giving him an update on our status, something he is very interested in going forward.

Over the past month I have met all mayors South of the Fraser, giving them a brief update and requesting an opportunity to present to their full councils a brief on the prospects, potential, history and practical application of this corridor in September. I will be asking for support of the establishment of a Councils South of the Fraser Community Rail Task Force. It is now time to raise the bar and motivate the public South of the Fraser.
It is very interesting to note that Mayor Green will be starting a Community (Light) Rail Task Force. I wonder who will be involved with this project. It is also interesting to note that Tom Prendergast appeared to not know anything about the Interurban Corridor, considering TransLink did a report on the corridor a few years back. Anyway, you can download the whole Mayor’s Report from the Township of Langley’s website.

1 comment:

  1. This statement is extremely important - "The same lawyer who concluded the 1988 agreements is undertaking this review. He believes that all passenger rights have been reserved between Vancouver and Chilliwack." - because an independent consultant (from the UK) said it was essential that the reinstated interurban must service Vancouver to succeed.

    This means for this to happen, we have to establish passenger train rights over the existing Fraser River Bridge.

    The consultant thought the plan "doable" and with a cursory look at the line From Vancouver to Chilliwack, though a 30% to 40% track renewal would be needed.

    Everything to make it happen is "off the self kit" and all problems with the reinstated interurban were political and engineering.

    No need for expensive studies, a consultant has seen it; claims it is feasible; and wonders why it hasn't been done with so much density around the line!


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