Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Washington State Says YES to Light Rail Transit

Voters in Washington State have said NO to single occupancy vehicles by defeating Initiative 985 to help solo drivers and YES to Proposition 1 that will allow them to build a light rail transit (LRT) system that will have a 40 year outlook.

"Sound Transit plans to extend light rail to Lynnwood, north Federal Way and the Overlake Transit Center, near Microsoft, by the early 2020s, through a half-cent increase in sales taxes. The $17.9 billion plan would expand express-bus service 17 percent and boost capacity by two-thirds on Sounder commuter trains between Pierce County and Seattle.

Alex Fryer, spokesman for Mass Transit Now, said he was blown away by the lead in Snohomish County, where campaign models predicted just under half the voters saying "yes."

One explanation is that people liked the recent openings of a Mukilteo commuter-train station and the South Everett park-and-ride, he said."

If we could only have such a vote here in the South Fraser. You can criticize Americans for lots of things, but you must give them credit for getting things done with regards to transit and infrastructure and leadership. They must also be given credit for turning a very major page in the history books by electing Barack Obama yesterday. The TV coverage was very moving for me as a dual citizen and I was very pleased with the outcome and movement to a more progressive leader. Look at all this light rail coming to the metro Seattle area. I'm jealous!

Map Courtesy of The Seattle Times
Click on Image to Enlarge

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