Thursday, November 6, 2008

Open Platform - The BC Liberals Want Your Input

The BC Liberal Party has created a website to allow all British Columbians to voice their opinions that will shape the policies and priorities of the BC Liberal Party for the 2009 provincial election. You can become a member here and post away on some or all of the issues. Please note that there is a transportation and infrastructure topic section and South Fraser OnTrax hopes you will take some time to post some intelligent support for the Interurban revival and Light Rail Transit (LRT) in general.

This website is not run by the provincial government, rather it was created by a political party. As such, you may be contacted by the party if you register here. If you object to this, then perhaps you may not want to log on. I'd also like to say that it is my hope that all LRT advocates who post on this site will not resort to name-calling, lecturing or ranting criticism.

The site was designed for the party to review the issues that are dear to all British Columbians, and then use this information to formulate a platform and/or policy. I'm certain that rants and related posts will be promptly ignored and deleted. This is an opportunity as a group to speak intelligently to our leaders, possibly shaping their 2009 provincial election platform. Please use it wisely. I plan to formulate my ideas in bullet points and post after I have worked through that. We encourage all LRT advocates to log on today!

PS: If you know of any other website by any other party in BC that has a similar thing going on, please let us know by posting a comment or emailing


  1. I have just moved here from Alberta and find Kelowna obscenely expensive and the Provincial Sales Tax is disgraceful. On costs which are already too high for goods and services we are taxed 7% Provincial Sales Tax as well as 5% GST. How do we survive? Voter apathy is rampant in this province, as it is in Canada as a whole - change that by scrapping the Provincial Sales Tax, that would be sure to garner some votes in this corner of Canada, I'm sure.

  2. Liability "in one word" has rediculously increased our cost of living and tainted our court systems so now everyone has to go great lengths to cover their butts. As a result provincial government, business and legal costs have gone thru the roof.
    We are becoming a society that is very quickly unable to afford this escalating burden. Most of the liability reasons are a result of less than 5% of the population and not the masses. We need to come down hard on the 5% of the population that seems to make liability increase and break this outofcontrol direction.

  3. Our health care system is absolutely fantastic and is heading in the right direction. I have full faith in our health care providers. Yes there will be casualties and waiting lines, but consider the alternatives. Again a few whiners (5% of population) get the spotlights and taint the system, what about all the other 95% miraculous stories about quality health care that has been provided and the leaps in technological advances provided by our current government. Keep up the good work, you get my vote.


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