Friday, May 9, 2008

Making a Difference

"Making a Difference" declares issue #122 of the ASTT News (the newsletter of the Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of British Columbia). On the cover is a picture of Premier Campbell and Prime Minister Stephen Harper with workers beneath the new Park Bridge in the Kicking Horse Canyon. Underneath is a message from the Premier:
Climate change has now emerged as the single-most important issue facing us. As members of ASTTBC, your role in combating climate change is crucial. Whether you are involved in a traditional or emerging sector, you have the power to inspire and influence so many, within and beyond your industy, and within and beyond the borders of BC. My personal request to each of you is that you continue to lead the way in reducing GHGs, improving air qaulity and conserving water in your projects, your offices and your homes.
Well as a member of the ASTTBC (certified electronics technician), I have a few solutions. :-)

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