Friday, May 9, 2008


South Fraser OnTrax has been investigating Travel Demand Forecasting studies, also know as Emme/2 Modeling. We have been doing so because the Township of Langley's Community Rail Study by UMA suggesting this modeling as a next step. A recent motion was approved by council, but with an amendment that requires council to seek funding of this project from "all orders of government". Township staff opined that this follow-up work could cost as much as $100,000 or more.

Recently some transportation engineers have told us that many of the bits and pieces required and outlined in the UMA study have been compiled by Surrey and other cities. This groundwork should significantly reduce the consulting cost.

Today, South Fraser OnTrax discovered through a confidential source in the know, that TransLink has already performed some substantial Emme work that covers Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford and out as far as Hope, BC ! Our source suggested that if policies were added to the existing TransLink work, a significant reduced of work would be realized. Our source also tells us that most of the area consulting firms have access to this same TransLink data.

SFOT is continuing our investigation into this and related matters. We also plan to engage area experts in this field to ensure that these further south Fraser area studies will move forward in a professional and responsible manner. We'll be sure to keep you informed.

South Fraser OnTrax Inaugural Meeting Pictures

These are the beautiful people that came out this past Thursday evening for SFOT's first official meeting. Enjoy the slide show!

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