Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Strata Retrofit Program - Going Electric, Saving Money

Aerial View of Downtown Langley City

If you live in Langley City, there is a good chance you live in a strata building, which may be older. I lived in an older building and served on its strata council for many years. Over time, we needed to replace or renew many building systems, such as hot water, lighting, and roofing. We tried to do "green" things like replacing our lights with LED, but many of the systems we replaced like for like, including our hot water system.

Many strata, even with experienced strata property managers, do not have the expertise to understand what provides the most long-term value, improves building systems, and lowers climate change impacts. The good news is there is now a program that can help stratas with retrofitting called the "Strata Energy Advisor Program."

If your building is four stories high or has more than 30 units, has an upcoming end-of-life replacement project, and uses natural gas for heating, hot water, ventilation, or fireplaces, you could qualify for free support.

For more information, check out the Strata Energy Advisor. You can sign up for a mailing list, attend a virtual seminar, or sign up for the program. You can also send this information to your strata.

The Zero Emission Innovation Centre also has programs for market rental buildings, commercial buildings, and non-profit-owned buildings. Please visit their website for more information.

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