Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January 27 Council Notes: Business Relocation, Policing, Appointments, and Housekeeping

Last night was a long Council meeting as we addressed several housing proposals, the proposed redevelopment of the Langley Mall, and the 2025 budget. This post will cover some of the other items addressed last night.

Langley City has a 400-metre separation distance for businesses classified as Beauty and Wellness Centers, including salons and barbershops. This distance ensures a variety of business types spread throughout our community. Sometimes, businesses need to relocate. The owner of a salon in the Eastleigh Professional Centre is moving their business to Fraser Crossing Mall due to the redevelopment of the former building. Langley City Council supports businesses, so like Council has done in the past, we gave first and second readings to allow this business to relocate even though it will be closer than 400 meters to another Beauty and Wellness Centre.

Council also gave first, second, and third readings to update our Officer Establishment Bylaw. This update was a housekeeping item to change some job titles.

Council previously issued a development permit for the redevelopment of the Eastleigh Professional Centre at 20644 Eastleigh Crescent. The applicant changed the unit count/mix but not the actual footprint or design of the building. This change is another housekeeping item. Council had to rescind the former development permit and issue a new one to make it consistent with the new unit count/mix.

I posted two weeks ago that we need "A Path Forward for Policing in Langley." I put forward a motion asking Council to request that the BC Policing and Security Branch appoint an independent and impartial facilitator to help Langley City and Township come to new agreements on policing that will serve both our communities well. Council supported this motion.

Finally, Council appointed people to our committees and task groups for 2025. You can learn more about these committees and task groups on the City's website and learn who was appointed by reading the January 27th Council agenda.

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