Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Path Forward for Policing in Langley

RCMP Detachment Plaque

As you know, Langley City and Township have been without a Police Servicing Agreement since the end of 2022, and starting in May of this year, we will no longer have an agreement covering how we share the costs of the Langley RCMP detachment and support staff.

Most people in Langley know about the challenges of the Surrey policing transition, including the lack of consensus on service delivery and associated costs. On Vancouver Island, the Township of Esquimalt and the City of Victoria share a police service similar to the City and Township of Langley. These two communities have had a long-term disagreement on policing since 2003. I know our community does not want to see ongoing disagreement on policing in Langley.

I believe that our shared RCMP detachment is the best way to provide policing services for Langley City and the Township of Langley, as it ensures the best value for taxpayers in both our communities.

To date, Langley City and the Township of Langley have stated our positions based on our individual analyses of policing costs and delivery for both communities. While I believe both communities want a fair agreement, our positions remain far apart.

Public safety is paramount for both Langley City and Township. I believe the only way for our communities to move positively towards new policing agreements that will be fair for both communities will be to have an independent and impartial facilitator work with Langley City and Township to review all the facts and help us reach new policing agreements.

With that goal in mind, I believe the BC Policing and Security Branch must immediately appoint an independent and impartial facilitator to ensure Langley City and Township have an objective review of the facts to help us develop new and comprehensive policing agreements that both Langley City and Township Councils can review by the end of May.

I will be asking Langley City Council to call on the province to appoint this facilitator.

We must ensure adequate and effective policing in Langley. We must end the back-and-forth debate about the real facts and reach a mutual, fair, and agreeable solution that will serve both communities.

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