Monday, June 24, 2024

June 17 Council Notes: Development Variance and Public Art

Langley City Council considers development variance permits from time to time. These permits allow people to make minor deviations from the City's development bylaws that maintain the spirit of the bylaws, even if they aren't exactly to the letter.

On June 17, Langley City Council approved changing the interior yard setback at 20556 Grade Crescent from 3 meters to 1.73 meters, which will allow the subdivision of 20532 Grade Crescent. The City provided an opportunity for people to provide written or verbal feedback at the meeting, but Council didn't receive any feedback.

A survey drawing showing the change in the lot line. Select the image to enlarge.

At the same meeting, Council approved a new three-panel mosaic mural designed by Jessica Fairweather. The City is funding this $12,000 mural from the Public Arts Fund, which will be installed on the Rotary Centennial Park washroom building.

Sample of mosaic mural. Select the image to enlarge.

Council also gave third and final read to place a separation distance between childcare facilities in the Fraser Highway One Way area and approved changes to our zoning bylaw to make it compliant with new provincial housing regulations. You can read about these in previous posts.

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