Monday, May 13, 2024

Who Took My Property Tax in 2023

Langley City Council is reviewing our 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements at tonight's public meeting. One of the questions I frequently get is why the tax bill is higher than what I talk about when Council reviews and ultimately approves a budget and property tax rate.

The primary reason is that only about 58% of property tax collected is controlled by and goes to Langley City. The rest goes to other governments and organizations that set their property tax rate.

The following interactive chart shows who got what slice of property tax in 2023.

There are a few caveats. First, the Downtown Langley Merchants tax is only charged to commercial properties in our Downtown. Also, the Municipal Finance Authority collects about $4,000 in property tax, which is too small to show on the chart.

Finally, most property tax bills include water, sewer, and garbage fees. These aren't property taxes. In 2023, Langley City collected $17.8 million in fees.

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