Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Langley City Ottawa Mission: Day 2

It's day two of Langley City Council's Ottawa Mission to advocate for our community. This morning, we meet with the Pacific Caucus to talk about housing, support for newcomers, local water, road, and sewer infrastructure funding, our proposed performing arts and cultural centre, and changes to the Langley Regional Airport.

We will have more detailed meetings with government MPs throughout the day to dig into these topics.

Being in Ottawa, I feel sad that I've forgotten all the French I learned in high school.

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed there is a proposal for a mixed use building at 20297 Fraser highway. This building is only six stories, or low rise, this proposal is in the transit oriented core and directly across the street from skytrain. This area is a max of fifteen stories, and does not fit with the guidelines set by metro Vancouver or the cities OCP to maximize height and density so close to skytrain. In my opinion, this proposal should not be passed by council.


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