Monday, March 25, 2024

Listen to My Interview on CBC's What On Earth with Laura Lynch - Get on the Bus!

Nathan pointing at R6 Bus Sign at Scott Road Station

Taking transit is a great way to get around; it helps reduce congestion and keeps our air clean. In fact, even a regular diesel bus with only seven passengers is more efficient than the average single-occupancy vehicle!

Of course, fast and frequent transit service is only available in some places in Canada, and we need to change that.

I was recently interviewed for the CBC show What On Earth with Laura Lynch for their episode "Get on the bus!"

I talked about why transit is vital for urban areas, why transit is good for the environment, how fast and frequent transit works in suburban areas, and what we need to do to keep buses moving through congestion (hint: it's bus lanes). I also touched on some of the transit inequities that exist in Metro Vancouver.

Check out the episode!

1 comment:

  1. Don't over look the fact that car owners need to spend a lot of time, energy and money to own and operate a car. For most car owners it is probably 2 to 4 hours per day. Transit riders don't pay that


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