Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Updated Metro Vancouver Housing Databook Released

Housing is top of mind for most people, and people are calling for governments to take action to ensure everyone has a home they can afford.

Understanding the complexity of housing and demographics is the first step in developing meaningful action plans to address the housing crisis. Unfortunately, Metro Vancouver is leading Canada regarding the housing crisis. Fortunately, we also have the data to help us make evidence-based action plans to get us out of the crisis.

The Metro Vancouver Regional District is a data clearinghouse for housing and demographic statistics for our region, and one of its premier publications is its "Housing Data Book." Regional District staff recently released a December 2023 update of the databook.

Here is an example of the data about the number of independent-living social housing units as a percentage of total units by municipality. You can see that Langley City has the second-highest percentage of these types of social housing units in Metro Vancouver.

Independent Social Housing Units as Percentage of Total Dwellings, Metro Vancouver, 2022. Select map to enlarge.

The following map shows the percentage of multi-unit housing units completed, such as townhouses and apartments, between 2018 and 2022, of all housing units built.

Multi-Unit Housing Completions as Percentage of Total Housing Completions, Metro Vancouver, 2018 to 2022 (5 year average). Select map to enlarge.

If you like digging into the numbers, read the latest edition of the Metro Vancouver Housing Data Book.

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