Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Langley City Council Adopts New Direction: Five-Year Rolling Strategic Plan Approved

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Langley City Council paused our in-progress strategic plan to focus on getting through and recovering from the pandemic. Langley City Council put together a one-year priorities plan after the municipal election to help address urgent needs in our community and lay the groundwork for a new strategic plan.

Langley City Council and staff worked hard to put together a new five-year strategic plan which will address what we’ve heard from the community and what we need to do to ensure the reliability of the services and facilities Langley City provides. Langley City Council consists of independents, which is a strength as it brings diverse perspectives to the discussion-making process. I’m proud to see those perspectives reflected in the new strategic plan.

One of the small, but important changes Council made to our mission statement is to build a “vibrant, safe and inclusive community together with current and future generations.” There are two things that I want to call out.

The first is that as a Council, we want to rebuild trust in government and support our citizens in being meaningful, engaged partners in the governance of Langley City. The second is that Council will endeavour to make decisions that consider not only today, but also seven generations out.

The new strategic plan will be a rolling five-year plan, meaning that Council will update it annually. Langley City Council is committed to transparency and accountability, so we will report on what’s working and what needs adjustment in the plan. The annual review ensures that our strategic plan remains relevant to the community's needs.

Core focus areas of the new strategic plan. Select image to enlarge.

The core focus areas of the new strategic plan are:

  • Cultivate an Inclusive Community
  • Provide Reliable Municipal Infrastructure
  • Support a Vibrant Economy
  • Integrate Holistic Approach to Community Safety
  • Build Climate Resiliency
  • Strengthen Communication and Public Engagement
  • Achieve Organizational Excellence

I’m excited about the future of Langley City and the direction of our strategic plan. You can read the entire plan on Langley City’s website.

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