Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Join Langley City's New Accessibility Committee

The provincial government's Accessible B.C. Act received royal assent in the summer of 2021. This act requires provincial entities, including local governments, to implement:

  • An Accessibility Plan which outlines how they will identify, remove and prevent barriers
  • An Accessibility Committee to provide advice on the Accessibility Plan and removing and preventing barrier
  • A way for people to provide feedback directly to a local government on accessibility, which a local government must provide to its Accessibility Committee and consider in creating and updating its Accessibility Plan

Areas to consider in improving accessibility and universal access include people's attitudes, physical barriers, communication, systemic barriers, technology, and sensory barriers.

Langley City is forming its Accessibility Committee and seeking volunteers.

The City is looking for:

  • One voting member representing the Indigenous community
  • Up to five voting members who represent persons with disabilities or individuals who support persons with disabilities
  • One voting member representing Inclusion Langley
  • One voting member representing seniors
  • Up to three voting members from the community who are passionate about accessibility and universal access

If you want to join the committee, please visit Langley City's website, complete the Committee Expression of Interest Form, email, phone 604-514-2800, or drop by the Administration Department at City Hall. The deadline is Friday, September 29, 2023.

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